Two major events happened to me in Augusts: I moved to a new apartment, and my mom passed away.
Throughout the month, I collected stories, recipes, and messages from all of you for this newsletter. However, it's been such a busy and challenging time that a shorter letter feels more fitting right now.
I’m writing this from a hotel near the ocean, where I scattered my mom's ashes a few days ago, according to her wishes. I wanted to feel as close to her as possible, even though I know there is nowhere I can see her anymore.
I don’t often share personal things online, but you, my newsletter readers, are special. You signed up to hear from me directly, and I feel connected to you.
My mother was born in Korea and later moved to Los Angeles. She was a great source of inspiration and encouragement for me. She loved food—all kinds of food—and I grew up surrounded by that passion, which has shaped my life. I love you forever, Mom!
The photo above was taken on my moving day. I’m carrying my large earthenware crock that holds my homemade soy sauce. Even though I hired a moving company to pack and move all my belongings, I couldn’t trust anyone with my earthenware crocks. I carried them to my new place myself. I didn't want to risk breaking them or spilling a drop of my precious homemade soy sauce. I carried the soy sauce and the crock separately, and then filled them back up in the new place.
I said goodbye to my old apartment, where so many precious memories were made, and later, I said goodbye to my mom.
Whatever the next chapter brings, I’m grateful and honored that you were a part of the last one with me. A bright future awaits us, and I’ll see you there!
With love,
I share pre-edited recipes and videos with you this month. I’ve skipped all your stories and photos this time around, but please check out the recipes.
Traditional Korean garlicky meatballs!
I think every culture has meatballs. These meatballs are small and my version here makes great party food, especially with my dipping sauces: a sweet and sour sauce, and a savory, sticky sauce that’s not sweet at all. Set out skewered meatballs with the sauces and you can serve many people at a party as an appetizer. Check out the recipe here!
2 Easy and fast recipe videos:
Korean ramyeon with rice cake
This is another way to enjoy Korean ramyeon. Ramyeon is not one of my most favorite foods but it can hit the spot when I’m traveling or I’m just really pressed for time and need a spicy, salty hit. Mixed with rice cakes makes it even gooier and heartier! Check out the longer video and the recipe here if you want.
Spicy stir fried pork!
You can make such a delicious, classic side dish in 10 minutes. I learned this recipe from one of my relatives living in the countryside in Korea. It’s super-fast and everyone loves it (especially me).
The more detailed recipe is here.
Maangchi, I'm so sorry to hear of the loss of your Mother. I'm glad that you got to spend as much time with her as you could during her last moments and I know you made a lot of new terrific memories with her. Just remember the good times and memories. As you say, whatever the next chapter holds, will be an adventure for sure! You've taught us all a lot over the years, and you are truly a blessed person. I know your parents are very proud of the woman you have become over the years and will continue to inspire and bring joy to the world. <3.
I am so very sorry for your loss. My mother died 5 years ago and I miss her still. I think of her and the cooking experiences I learned mostly from her mother, my grandmother. I enjoy watching your videos and learning about Korean food, Korean culture and all the unique techniques you teach. I know you learned a lot from your mom and grandmother. You are keeping their memories alive when you share the videos with us all. I am not old enough to be your mom, but please consider me an auntie~ xxooxx